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ARKONA announce new album + first song

ARKONA announce new album + first song

In follow-up to 2019's acclaimed "Age of Capricorn", ARKONA are proud to present their eighth album, "Stella Pandora". The record showcases the Polish Black Metal pioneers at their most focused, intense, and melodically vigorous.

Powered by a watertight rhythm-section, the band create sweeping and elegiac arrangements of neo-classical, folk-infused vehemence. Windswept and elemental leads, textural orchestrations and pitch-perfect storytelling from cruel, anguished vocals propel emotive Black Metal of the highest quality.


01. Pandora
02. Altaria
03. Necropolis
04. Elysium
05. Prometeus
06. Aurora

"Stella Pandora" was recorded, mixed and mastered at Heinrich House Studio in Spring 2024. The cover artwork and layout were crafted by Polish artist Maciej Kamuda (BLUT AUS NORD, ERSHETU).

Founding member, guitarist and composer Khorzon gives insight into the album's development:

"The songs for this album were created irregularly over the last three years. At first, I was just composing material, and in the end, I chose those six tracks that were closest to the concept I had envisioned. I wanted these tracks to refer musically to the albums "Lunaris" and our debut "Imperium". After I had recorded those six demo songs, I presented them to the rest of the band and we arranged the material live during several rehearsals. The last song of the album, namely 'Aurora', was composed together by guitarist Kaamos and me, by the way."

As an introduction to "Stella Pandora", ARKONA unveils a first track, 'Necropolis', accompanied by a lyric video created by Lyric Video Factory. Watch the clip here and listen to the song on Bandcamp:

'Necropolis' seamlessly merges powerhouse drumming, tremolo riffs and intricately woven melodies to create an epic atmosphere. The track fuses primal ferocity with ancient mysticism, showcasing ARKONA's deep-rooted Black Metal heritage while crafting a uniquely immersive experience.

Khorzon relays the concept behind 'Necropolis':

"The demo version of this song was created some time ago, so I don't remember exactly whether it started with a single riff or a specific melody. The lyrics to this song were written by our second guitarist, with a rather clear message: as we build cities for the living and lock their bodies in them, we also build necropolises for the dead, believing that we can lock their souls as well. It is a perverted belief, deceiving people with the picture of an eternal sleep which exists only to enslave their souls. Let us not allow ourselves to be deceived by a false vision. Let us not condemn our bodies to rot in eternal waiting!"

Follow ARKONA on Facebook and Instagram.

"Stella Pandora" will be released on digital, CD and vinyl - including an exclusive DMP edition - on September 27th. A specially-designed t-shirt will accompany the launch. Pre-orders are possible via our EUUS and Bandcamp shops.

Posted on 08-19-2024 Arkona