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Servants of Chaos – Spotlight: AVERSIO HUMANITATIS

Servants of Chaos – Spotlight: AVERSIO HUMANITATIS

Since their 2010 inception, Madrid contemporary Black Metal ensemble AVERSIO HUMANITATIS have meticulously constructed colossal walls of crushing intricacy to examine the facets of human existence. In 2011, the band released their striking debut, "Abandonment Ritual", followed by two split-releases. 2017 EP "Longing For The Untold" further evolved their brutalist sound by incorporating angular Death Metal elements.

In celebration of their ten-year anniversary, AVERSIO HUMANITATIS unleashed critically acclaimed second full-length, "Behold the Silent Dwellers" in 2020. The album creates a monumental atmosphere, guiding listeners through the ghostly remnants of abandoned cityscapes via unrelenting and often-dissonant Black Metal.

Listen here:

AVERSIO HUMANITATIS have evolved into a formidable live act. Although the pandemic prevented a "Behold the Silent Dwellers" tour, the band recorded a subsequent live-in-the-studio album, "Silent Dwellers – Live MMXX," to showcase their onstage prowess.

Check out this performance here:

At Servants of Chaos Festival, AVERSIO HUMANITATIS will perform live in Germany for the first time, offering an opportunity for attendees to hear a brand new song in a live setting. We spoke with band leader and producer S.D. (The Empty Hall Studio) about their upcoming set at DMP's inaugural festival.

Q: Hello S.D. and thank you for your time! This will be the first time AVERSIO HUMANITATIS play on German soil. What are the expectations for your German live debut?

Yes, it will be the first time for AVERSIO HUMANITATIS in Germany, and also, personally, it will be my first time in the country. Although I believe other members of the band have been there before. At the moment, I'm only focused on the performance we will deliver, on living up to the great bands that will be there, and on satisfying such a demanding audience as the Germans. We will do our part and enjoy the moment!

Q: In 2021, you released the "Silent Dwellers" live album in audio and video forms. Would you say this is still representative of how you perform as a live band today, and close to the setlist fans can expect?

We have definitely improved our cohesion and stage presence over the years. As for the track list, I think it will be like our last live album, focused on "Behold the Silent Dwellers" and "Longing for the Untold". We have quite a bit of new material and have been gradually incorporating it into recent performances, but this time we will only include one of those new songs and focus on playing what people already know.

Q: Is there a specific song from the band’s discography which you personally enjoy playing live most?

Possibly 'The Wanderer of Abstract Paths' and 'The Weaver of Tendons' from our last album, as they are my favourite ones from the record. However, lately, I've been enjoying playing the new unreleased songs more, simply because of the novelty.

Q: As you are currently focussing on finishing your next album, can you tell us which new song we will hear at Servants of Chaos festival?

We still have to decide which of them to include in the Servants of Chaos setlist. There are several candidates, and I love all of them. We might have to choose the shorter ones to fit within the available time.

Q: Last question: which other performances are you looking forward to witnessing at SoC?

After we play, we'll be staying for both days because we want to enjoy the entire festival; there are so many great bands. Personally, I'd like to see WHITE WARD and DHG the most, but there's also ULCERATE, ARKONA, AKHLYS... too many great bands to list.

AVERSIO HUMANITATIS will perform on October 18th at Servants of Chaos festival. Find all information about the event here and order your ticket here!

Posted on 07-26-2024 Aversio Humanitatis