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As we anticipate the arrival of summer calm, we proudly announce two captivating new Black Metal releases and some DMP merch are now available for pre-order.

  • MODERN RITES - "Endless"
  • OTHER WORLD -"Tenebrous"
  • DMP Merch - "Disciple of Cthulhu"

Find more information below, including a first taster song from the two records. Pre-orders are possible via our EUUS (no DMP merch) and Bandcamp shops.


MODERN RITES are the Industrial Metal duo of guitarist Berg (AARA) and multi-instrumentalist/vocalist/lyricist Jonny Warren (KUYASHII). Building upon acclaimed 2021 debut "Monuments", new album "Endless" unifies, elevates and perfects the band's vision, ebbing and flowing between oppressive isolation and furious optimism in an anthemically intense exploration of the human condition.


01. Prelude
02. Endless
03. Lost Lineage
04. Veil of Opulence
05. Becoming
06. For Nothing
07. Autonomy
08. Philosophenweg

The album was mixed and mastered by Simón Da Silva at The Empty Hall Studio. Cover design is by Jonny Warren.

Composer Jonny Warren discusses new album "Endless" and the enigmatic cover artwork:

"The title of the album sums up the idea behind the record. The lyrics in both the title track and album encompass themes around cycles of self-discovery, historical repetition, and ideological conflict. Each song marks milestones along a pathway that loops into itself as humanity is locked into an ebb and flow with each passing era. The aesthetic changes between the two cover artworks were a more organic evolution as we wrote more and more for the album. We knew we wanted to build upon the foundation of the first album, which in a metaphorical sense meant stepping outside of that sterile structure we built and surveying the landscape around it. For the artwork, we wanted imagery that represented the more human moments of contemplation and longing present throughout the album, where previously the artwork of the first album depicted a monument containing the inner self."

Listen to 'Endless', the title song of the new record, below or on our YouTube channel:

"Endless" will be released on CD, vinyl and digital on August 30th.


OTHER WORLD is a crushing and contemporary Black Metal band based in California, where ex-members of BLACK SALVATION, PILLORIAN and BOREWORM explore the beauty in chaos and darkness.

After arriving on DMP in authoritative style with epic 2023 single "Of Death and Alteration", the band expand and consolidate their vision via new album "Tenebrous": an intensely emotive and hard-hitting representation of being locked away from the light with only anxiety, loss and grief for company.


01. From Innocence
02. Arid Dawn
03. Agony Exhaled By Mist
04. Ash, Teeth & Bone
05. To Decay

The album was mixed and mastered by Paul Francis at Get Right Recording in Johsua Tree, California. The cover artwork was designed by Kiefer Moore, with the album's layout handled by S.P.

Both the title and the cover art aim to capture the album's atmosphere, as composer Christopher explains:

"The term "Tenebrous" represents the album's lyrical theme and concept. Stephen (vocals) and I both found the title to be perfectly fitting. The concept of this album is about experiencing a situation devoid of light and being in a place of hopelessness while enduring nature's cruel embrace. Kiefer Moore who crafted the artwork had a lot of freedom for this artwork, but as he is a really talented guy and understands my vision, it was easy to work with him."

Listen to 'From Innocence', the album's opening track, below or via our YouTube channel:

"Tenebrous" will be released on CD, vinyl and digital on August 30th.

DMP Merch "The Disciple of Cthulhu"

Polish visual artist Maciej Kamuda (BLUT AUS NORD, EITRIN) has created a stunning new design for our label. The "Disciple of Cthulhu" DMP merchandising is available in t-shirt (men/women), hooded zip-shirt and hooded sweatshirt formats. It will ship - at the same time as MODERN RITES' "Endless" and OTHER WORLD's "Tenebrous" - around August 30th.

Check the flyer below:

Posted on 06-03-2024 Modern Rites, Other World