In our “Retrospective” series we looked back to the year 2020, our artist’s releases and the good things that were possible despite the pandemic’s rage. Now, it is time to welcome the future and to reflect on the music and releases which are already casting their shadows onto the new year. We already told you about our and mastermind Yurii’s thoughts about the physical release of WHITE WARD’s compilation “Origins”, and now we have sat together with Timothy Pope, one of THE AMENTA’s composers, for a reflection on “Revelator”.
In two and a half weeks (February 19th), the comeback album “Revelator” of Australian Avantgarde Metal band THE AMENTA will see the light of day, and the guys behind the band have more than one surprise up their sleeves. They already unleashed three singles – namely ‘Sere Money’, ‘An Epoch Ellipsis’ and ‘Parasight Lost’ –, and all of them showcase different faces and sources of inspiration, retaining somewhat the mystery of what listeners may expect from this album.
However, as our Jonathan narrates, after a couple of spins, all parts of “Revelator” fall into place:
“Indeed, when listening to THE AMENTA’s “Revelator” for the first time, one can’t help but think that the guys are unleashing everything they ever found inspiring and merge it into a 45-minute-long apocalyptic ride. Even though Tim, Erik, and Cain open the album with the more traditional and direct Death Metal track ‘An Epoch Ellipsis’, the second composition ‘Sere Money’ quickly proves that the guys have no intention in creating a whole album which sounds like their earlier releases. Although it might sound declamatory, THE AMENTA really know how to apply the method of deconstruction to their own songs and art. This forces the listener to stay focused during the whole ride to be able to follow the flow of the compositions and the music. However, if you do, then you will be rewarded with a trip you are likely never to forget!"
Timothy Pope himself has the following to say about “Revelator”:
““Revelator” is a very important release for THE AMENTA, for several reasons. Not least that it has been eight years since our last release, it’s also a culmination of many years of experimentation and trial & error to find an organic new direction for our music. Finally, it’s our first album with Debemur Morti Productions and we are excited for this album to find a home amongst a slew of groundbreaking releases.
It is a cliché to say that the newest album is the best of a band’s career, so let us just say that “Revelator” is the closest THE AMENTA has come to capturing the sound we hear in our heads. In the lowest hells of our blackened hearts, we are an extreme metal band, still enamoured of blast beats and tearing off faces but “Revelator” also gives us a chance to explore new ways to capture unease and tension. The album has an open, organic quality that many people will find surprising. Everything was run through more guitar pedals than is healthy, the sounds are all twisted and grimy, and Cain Cressall’s vocal performance still gives us chills after all this time.
After such a long break, it would have felt anti-climactic and cowardly to come back with just “more of the same”. “Revelator” is the grimy beginning of the next chapter of THE AMENTA.”
“Revelator” is available to pre-order via our EU shop, Bandcamp and US shop.