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2020 Retro - THROANE

2020 Retro - THROANE

After a busy spring and a tough summer without any festivals, autumn proved to be a fruitful period for us. Not only were we preparing some last releases for 2020, about which you will be able to read in our retrospective, but we also signed the Australian Death Metal band THE AMENTA and the Blackened Hardcore band HEXIS from Denmark. Additionally, a lot of energy was put into shaping the first releases of 2021, a couple of which have already been announced – as for example the first FORHIST album. Nevertheless, despite all this new art on the horizon, it is important not to forget the pearls that were released last year. That’s why we started this “Retrospective” series!

Following its own tradition, THROANE crafted another personal and intimate release three years after “Plus une main à mordre”. “Une balle dans le pied” is an EP featuring an over 13-minute-long composition fusing together influences of Dark Ambient, Industrial, Noise, Black Metal, and Sludge. The EP comes as a package including a vinyl and CD version of the song. On the one hand this composition appears as a unit on the CD version, while on the other hand there is break in the middle of the track on the vinyl version, letting it appear as two different songs.

Our Jonathan has the feeling that “Une balle dans le pied” put a hex on him:

THROANE’s EP “Une balle dans le pied” is special to me in two ways. First of all, it is the first release for which I actively took over promotional duties for Debemur Morti Productions. So, there is a lot of personal magic already present in this new beginning. Secondly, there exists a unique atmosphere surrounding all material of Dehn Sora and THROANE – the different layers of his art touch mind and heart, so to speak, and the fact that there is something absolutely personal about “Une balle dans le pied” sends shivers down my spine when I am listening to this song. Sadly, EPs are not kept in high regard in the metal scene. This is a mistake, for what matters is the question, if the artist was able to breath life into his or her work and if he or she found the appropriate format to unleash this spark. Dehn Sora did, and so “Une balle dans le pied” is perfect as it is. It’s not simply a transitional piece for a coming album, it can definitely stand on its own feet!”

Dehn Sora
of THROANE reflects on the creation of “Une balle dans le pied”:

“I never make any plans regarding a release. I do not have any control on the reception one of my releases will have. It was and is important that the EP did not fail my own feelings. Being satisfied myself is already a huge quest. The EP recording took place right before I wanted to leave for a long time planned long trip (it was supposed to become the longest I have ever done). However, due to the global situation, the plan for the trip was aborted. This came with a lot of frustration, but at the same time my situation was tainted with the satisfaction of seeing "Une balle dans le pied" on the horizon. Being able to maintain the mutual trust between Phil and me and the fact that he is pushing me to realize my ideas without having to be afraid of failing is something strong. I will regard this EP as another cementing step in our collaboration.

If you didn’t have a chance to give this EP a spin yet, you can do so directly below via our Youtube channel. Also, “Une balle dans le pied” is still available via our EU shop, and our Bandcamp page.

Posted on 01-05-2021 Throane