The gods of Horror Death Metal AEVANGELIST are back with a new sonic nightmare titled "Writhes In The Murk", or the next phase in the existence of the band's unique approach to experimental extreme dark music !
The track listing is as follows :
1 Hosanna
2 The Only Grave
3 Præternigma
5 Ælixir
6 Harken to the Flesh
7 Halo of Lamented Glory
8 Writhes in the Murk
This eagerly-awaited new full lenght album will be available in September through Debemur Morti Productions on CD, vinyl and digital.
"Writhes in the Murk" is a musically diverse downward spiral of horrifying bliss...a new journey towards blackness and nothingness.
The front cover was painted by Polish artist Andrzej Masianis and the layout created by Brian V.D.P..