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AEVANGELIST - Deeper Into Madness...

AEVANGELIST - Deeper Into Madness...

The gods of Horror Death Metal AEVANGELIST are back with a new sonic nightmare titled "Writhes In The Murk", or the next phase in the existence of the band's unique approach to experimental extreme dark music !

The track listing is as follows :

1 Hosanna
2 The Only Grave
3 Præternigma
5 Ælixir
6 Harken to the Flesh
7 Halo of Lamented Glory
8 Writhes in the Murk

This eagerly-awaited new full lenght album will be available in September through Debemur Morti Productions on CD, vinyl and digital.

"Writhes in the Murk" is a musically diverse downward spiral of horrifying bliss...a new journey towards blackness and nothingness.

The front cover was painted by Polish artist Andrzej Masianis and the layout created by Brian V.D.P..

Posted on 16-07-2014