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Servants of Chaos – Spotlight: PESTIFER

Servants of Chaos – Spotlight: PESTIFER

Belgium's PESTIFER will bring their atmospheric brand of progressive Death Metal to Servants of Chaos festival on October 19th. Now a five-piece, PESTIFER distinctively blend aggression and melody within intricate, sci-fi-themed song structures.

Formed in the early 2000s, PESTIFER has released a series of acclaimed works, from their 2006 debut EP to their third and most recent full-length, 2020's "Expanding Oblivion". The band has toured with the likes of KATAKLYSM, KRISIUN, and NILE. In 2022, PESTIFER signed with DMP, delivering a 5-track EP "Defeat of the Nemesis", a high-point for their twistedly progressive yet hook-laden and accessible brand of Death Metal songcraft.

Listen to the EP below and on our YouTube channel:

PESTIFER's intricate Death Metal seamlessly translates into a powerful and dynamic live experience. Witness an example of their electrifying performances:

At Servants of Chaos, PESTIFER will perform a selection of songs spanning their discography, including a full performance of the new EP. We spoke with vocalist Jérôme Bernard about what fans can expect from this highly anticipated show.

Q: Hello Jérôme! You have played a couple of times in Germany, and you just returned from a successful tour with NILE. How did the tour go and how was it to perform songs from the latest EP live?

Indeed, we just came back from a two-week European tour. We are very satisfied with it. The audience was always present and gave us positive and very enthusiastic feedback. The big plus of this tour is that the four participating bands formed a good artistic and musical symbiosis. They were all good guys with whom we got along well. Germany is always a good land of welcome for metal bands. I loved playing in the good old Turock in Essen. I like, above all, to interpret the songs from our latest EP onstage. The intensity of the songs combined with the theme of mental disorders gives a very theatrical side to our interpretation.

Q: At Servants of Chaos, you will, among other tracks, play "Defeat of the Nemesis" in its entirety. Is there a song from the EP which is particularly difficult to perform live? Also, do you feel that there is already a fan-favourite track from the EP?

I would go for the song 'Draconian Daemon' which is long and varies a lot. It is a song that can be disturbing at first because the choice of notes is sometimes daring or intrepid. Its structure is very changeable. It is not a smooth sailing although it is not our most intense song. But the more it evolves, the more the audience will understand where we are going with this. This small effort of attention increases tenfold, in my opinion, the pleasure of the musical experience. And it is even stronger live. Even the lyrical theme – talking about a divine monarchy and its schizophrenic tendencies – which goes hand in hand with the music expresses itself more intense during a performance. I would even say that it is the song of the EP that the public appreciates the most for all the reasons I mentioned above. But it remains difficult to say. Some songs, like 'Defeat of the Nemesis', are more direct and intense. 'Subterranean' is probably a bit more "cluedo" and dissonant. Not to mention 'Elysium' which is more melodic and corresponds more to a nightmarish escape.

Q: Is there a specific song from PESTIFER's discography which you like to play live the most? Could you tell us 2-3 songs from your albums which you will perform at Servants of Chaos?

Apart from the songs from the EP, I could mention the song 'Silent Spheres' which, at first, sounds like an earthquake but quickly becomes a dead planet wandering aimlessly through space. With its enigmatic and post-apocalyptic aspects, it sounds like a passive contemplation of the funeral of a civilization and its grandiose beauty. Which leaves a guilty pleasure. We will also play 'Grey Hosts', a little nod to science fiction from the second half of the 20th century with its gloomy and heavy atmosphere. As if we wake up contemplated by half a dozen pairs of obsidian-black eyes in the heart of a smoky, organic, veiny and translucent environment. A pretty scary track but maybe the most accessible of our set.

Q: Will you also bring some special merch to the festival?

We have pictures of Void in his underwear. We would like to have them signed and then sell them at our merch booth. Joking aside, we will have with us the last existing vinyl copies (there are really few left) and digipaks of our latest EP as well as several t-shirts, patches, CDs and ... maybe a very limited surprise.

Q: Could you tell us what PESTIFER are currently working on? Is a new full-length on the horizon? And if yes, how far has it progressed?

We are currently composing the music for our next conceptual full length which promises to be very adventurous musically, dark and even more immersive. But I prefer not to talk about it too much so as not to block us in one direction or another. We are in a creative process, but we also must stay sharp for concerts, the tour etc. so it takes time, but time also makes our music better ... or more in line with what we want!

Q: Last question: which other bands are you most looking forward to witnessing at SoC?

Personally, I am a big fan of DHG and the avant-garde Black Metal scene. "Black Medium Current" is, by far, my album of the year 2023. But I also admit to being a real fan of the DMP roster and I look forward to seeing each band. If I have to pick others, I will say AKHLYS who just released a fantastic album or ULCERATE (I have been a fan of them since their debut). I will be very happy to see MÜTTERLEIN and THROANE too. What is certain is that I will go see as many bands as possible.

PESTIFER will perform on October 19th at Servants of Chaos festival. Find all information about the event here and order your ticket here!

Posted on 03-10-2024 Pestifer, Servants Of Chaos Festival