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ERSHETU unveil second album + video premiere

ERSHETU unveil second album + video premiere

Following up their 2023 debut "Xibalba", cinematic Black Metal project ERSHETU, led by conceptualist/lyricist Void and composer Sacr, presents a second offering. New album "Yomi" finds the band growing in confidence and stature, heading to deeper and darker climes as they immerse themselves in the death folklore of Japanese Shinto.


01. Ketsurui
02. Jikoku
03. Sekiryō
04. Abikyōkan
05. Kagutsuchi
06. Nenokatasukuni

As with the debut, Vindsval (BLUT AUS NORD, FORHIST) returns on bass and additional guitars. However, in line with the album's concept, he also assumes lead vocal duties on "Yomi", translating the inner voice of the kami via the authority of his tortured snarl and hypnotic choirs.

The album was recorded and mixed by V. at Earthsound Studio and mastered by Bruno Varea at Upload Studio, with artwork/design by Maciej Kamuda and poetry by Manon Gayet.

Composer Sacr shares insights into the conceptual background of "Yomi":

"Void and I love Japanese culture, especially for its history, mythology, Buddhism and, of course, its sounds. This country is fascinating because of its high-tech side and its attachment to ancestral customs. It was a completely natural choice for us. There are no similarities between "Xibalba" and "Yomi" because this time, we are addressing death linked to a religion that is still practiced by more than 90 million people today. The Mayans were a civilization. The approach is therefore different – from my point of view."

ERSHETU introduces "Yomi" via opening track, 'Ketsurui', paired with a haunting video directed by David Tomanek. Watch the clip below and stream the song on Bandcamp:

'Ketsurui' perfectly represents the mesmerizing qualities of "Yomi" where ritual percussion, orchestration and atmospherics - including tones derived from the Koto, Shamisen and other traditional musical instruments of Japan - meet full-throttle and cerebral Black Metal power, as earworm melodies resolve into tumultuous states of mind and shadowed existential meditations.

Sacr elaborates further:

"'Ketsurui' started from a melody; that of the introduction played on the Japanese Koto. The title is quite rich in atmosphere and melody. I wanted to explore the different possibilities with all the instruments including the Shamisen, the Shakuhachi (flute) and the Koto without losing sight of the cinematographic aspect of the music; all sublimated by the incredible voices of Vindsval. This track, and the album in general, is very different from "Xibalba". "Xibalba" was the jungle, nature, divine incantations, tribal percussions…here, we are more in spirituality and, somewhere, in the spiritual quest for death. Death is one of the 4 sufferings inherent in life in Nishiren Buddhism. "Yomi" is in a way, a spiritual journey to overcome one's fear of death."

Follow ERSHETU on Facebook and Instagram!

"Yomi" will be released on CD, vinyl – including exclusive DMP editions (CD/vinyl) – and digital on November 8th. A specifically designed t-shirt will accompany the launch. Pre-orders are available via our EUUS and Bandcamp shop.

Posted on 09-16-2024 Ershetu