MANES unveil their first ever music video, and the first visual companion to their new record, “Slow Motion Death Sequence”. Directed by Guilherme Henriques, “Endetidstegn” presents a bleak window...
Three months ago, Norway’s Wallachia released their epic new record, “Monumental Heresy.” Featuring their strongest and most consistent line-up to date, the record is surely their strongest and...
“‘Slow Motion Death Sequence’ shouldn’t be seen as a glass-half-empty, but more like a pile of dry, broken glass on a hardwood floor.” – Manes (June 2018)
We're closed from June 3rd to June 18th. The webshop will remain online and you can still place orders but bear in mind nothing will be processed before we return on June 19th.Thanks for your...
The blackened post-metal Polish quartet HEGEMONE are streaming their astonishing second album, "We Disappear", in its entirety.
After releasing "Monumental Heresy" a little while ago, WALLACHIA shares 10 facts you probably don't know about their history. Enjoy!
The Polish Blackened Post-Metal band HEGEMONE reveal a brand new video clip from their new album "We Disappear"